Truck Accident

This was a 2012 emergency response to a truck accident in the canyons of New Mexico which resulted in a spill of approximately 150 gallons of diesel onto US Government land. The spill approached the banks of the Rio Grande, but did not contaminate the river. Rapid Response managed the difficult response that had to be performed in an environment where bald eagles were known to nest and beavers were known to reside. The area also had to be restored to mirror the vegetation and landscape that surrounded it. This photo shows the newlyplanted cottonwoods surrounded by stakes and a wire fence to protect the young trees from animals that might harm them. Rapid Response successfully completed the project and dealt with numerous regulatory & government agencies (including the US Department of the Interior, The Bureau of Land Management, The New Mexico EPA, the US Army Corps of Engineers, The New Mexico DOT, and The New Mexico Highway Patrol) with no fines issued by any agency to our customer.